New York Civil Rights And Criminal Defense Lawyers

Month: July 2019

Woman sues Syracuse Police Department over rape case

If you have to call the police, you hope that they'll come to help you. You want them to take your situation seriously and to give you the support that you deserve under the law. You deserve protection and help, not to be put in a more dangerous situation. Unfortunately, not every police officer follows the rule of law. Take for example this horrific case in which a woman has claimed that a police officer brutally raped her in her home, only to be told that her claims don't meet the legal threshold for rape by a police officer. Her story is simple. She called 911 to report her missing teen...

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Who pays for a hit-and-run?

Getting into a car accident is bad enough. When the responsible party flees the scene without leaving information, your claim can be even more complicated. You may have suffered serious injuries or expensive property damage, all with no one to hold accountable. A hit-and-run means you may not know the identity of the person who negligently or recklessly caused your damages. This does not, however, bar you from financial recovery. A few different outlets could be available to you. Insurance claim New York is a no-fault state - one of just 13 in the country. Under New York's...

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