New York Civil Rights And Criminal Defense Lawyers

Month: May 2017

When a prisoner can’t get medical care

Every human being deserves medical care when he or she is sick. However, New York residents who are serving time in prison might not always get the medical care they require. Whether it's due to prisoner neglect, negligence or wrongdoing -- if a prisoner can't get medical attention for a serious condition, it could be a violation of the prisoner's civil rights. If you are worried about medical care for a family member serving time in prison, or if you're a prisoner being denied medical care, here's what you need to do: -- Seek out your physician on the outside. Sometimes, prisons will allow...

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Police brutality: When can police use lethal force?

New York City police officers perform the valuable public service of keeping us safe from criminal elements. However, there are times when police become overzealous in their application of the law, in addition to becoming overly violent. There are times when violent -- even lethal -- force is required by police to carry out their duties, and there are times when it's clearly not required. When a New York resident gets seriously hurt or killed by a police officer who is allegedly carrying out his or her duties, questions over whether such a high level of force was necessary may arise. One...

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Did you confess to a crime you didn’t commit?

It's hard to believe that anyone would do it -- unless you've done it of course -- but falsely confessing to a crime is not that uncommon. For example, among people who suffer a wrongful conviction, having given a false confession happens in one out of every four cases. There are a lot of reasons why people choose to falsely confess to a crime; however, people typically confess because they think it's going to benefit them in some way in the end. Here are some of the reasons why a false confession can occur. -- Coercion and duress: Did someone force you to lie in the face of a threat or...

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The importance of properly trained security personnel

One thing that many people who have been injured at a nightclub or restaurant do not realize is that properly trained security personnel could have prevented their injuries. For example, if police are frequently called to a club, its security officers likely need more training than those at a club that rarely calls the police. The protection of patrons is a big reason that nightclubs and restaurants should have a well-trained security force. It can also be a good idea for insurance purposes and for general community relations. Here is a look at how security officers can keep patrons safe....

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Who can file a police misconduct complaint?

It seems like you can't turn on the television or read a newspaper these days without seeing information about a police misconduct matter. Some of these instances are downright frightening as they may involve police shooting innocent civilians. You might not think something like this could happen to you or a loved one, but if you or someone you know becomes the victim of police misconduct, you are well within your right to file a complaint. The New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) is an independent organization that the city has charged with the responsibility of receiving,...

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