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Police brutality concerns

Most people assume that police officers act in ways that are designed to protect the public from harm. The police force is designed to protect the public and offer their services in order to keep society safe and orderly. Although many officers do just this, some officers do not always follow the correct rules and procedures. Police brutality is a real concern that everyone should be aware of.

Recent reports

Recently, a Brooklyn man was beaten by police officers and the exchange was caught on tape. The man was naked and sleeping in a building that he should not have had access to. Upon finding the individual, the security officer called 911, and two police arrived at the scene. When the man refused to leave, the officers punched the man several times before arresting him. The man is now undergoing counseling for pain and trauma that he suffers from the incident.

Another recent incident involved a photojournalist. The journalist was filming a fight that was taking place, when an officer told him that juveniles were involved and he could not film it. The man complied and started to film general scenery instead. At this point, an officer walked up to him and grabbed his camera, throwing the man up against the wall and telling him he was under arrest. According to the journalist, the officer had no legal grounds to take the camera, but proceeded to delete the videos that the journalist had recorded anyway.

A shooting in California

In California, a 22-year-old man was shot by police and is now in critical condition. Officers found the man and thought he was a suspect in a burglary. However, the man was not even armed, and protestors have accused the police of using excessive force. Many believe that race was an issue in the shooting, and activists are protesting outside of the hospital, demanding a full investigation into the shooting. The protests began when officers would not allow the man’s own family members to visit him in the hospital.

A civil rights issue

No one should have to fear police brutality. No matter how difficult their job, police officers are not allowed to use excessive force that violates the rights of the individuals they are supposed to be protecting. Officers are trained to only use the amount of force necessary when dealing with the public.

When officers cross this threshold and injure someone unnecessarily, they can be held accountable for their actions. Injured parties can get compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering, medical expenses and other losses they have incurred. If police brutality is suspected, scheduling a consultation with an experienced civil rights attorney can be a step in the right direction on the road to recovery.